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Most closets contain one rod to hang your clothes and one shelf above that rod. Closet organizers will revamp your closet space and organize the disaster zone where everything is all mixed together and things are very hard to find.The main rule of thumb when you want to organize closet space or any other part of your home is to discard the things you don't need and to keep like things together. Keeping like things together helps you find them more quickly and saves you a lot of time searching for the item you are looking for. In your kitchen, you don't put your spoons in the pantry, your forks with the pots and pans and your knives with your baking pans. You keep all your cutlery in a cutlery drawer. Similarly, closet organizers make it easy to keep your sweaters together, your ties and belts in one spot as well as pants, shirts and other like items.The benefit of closet organizer systems is that you don't need to search through every corner of your closet looking for a belt since the belts will all be hanging together in one visible spot.

A closet organizer system that utilizes these closet design ideas will save you much time and much piece of mind. Before you start looking at bedroom closet organizers, take a good long look in your closet and decide what things you really use and get rid of everything else. This will help you figure out what your real needs are. This is easier said then done however as many of us are pack rats that find it difficult to part with our possessions. If you find it hard to part with your things, remember that if you are not using or wearing many items in your closet, all they do is cause extra clutter, take up valuable space and prevent you from finding the things you really do use. A good rule to follow is the 1 year rule. If you haven't worn the item in a full year then chances are you are not going to wear it any time soon. Prepare a box where you can deposit these items and be ruthless about getting rid of things you are not using. If it is very difficult for you to do this, think about how selfish it is to horde things that you don't use when you could donate them to charities where needy people can use them.

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