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designer_replica Gucci YA107503 watch These collectible versions have two main distinctions from the standard bullion versions of the coins. First, they are struck on specially burnished blanks. Silver Eagle Uncirculated carry the ;W; mint mark to designate mintage at the West Point Mint. These burnished versions seem to present a good opportunity for collectors since they usually end up with mintages significantly lower than for the regular bullion version. This year sales have followed a less than typical path that have kept collectors guessing about the series.Sales of the Silver Eagle Uncirculated coins have been impacted by the rising price of gold. Since the Mint sells the coins at fixed prices, if the price of gold rises too much, sales are suspended until they can reset prices to more appropriate levels. Sales have been suspended twice this year- first in October and most recently on November 5th. As of today, Silver Eagle Uncirculated sales are still suspended at the Mint.Due to the increasing market value of gold, the Silver Eagle Uncirculated is temporarily unavailable while pricing for this option can be adjusted; therefore, no orders can be taken at this time.If not, the coins will end up with some incredibly low mintages, which may drive higher prices in the secondary market.designer_replica Gucci YA107503 watch The suspensions have reduced the amount of time the coins have actually been on sale and the most recent suspension has dragged on much longer than expected.Sales of Silver Eagle Uncirculated coins have been impacted by packaging issues and an unexpected product offering. Silver Eagle Uncirculated coins had been selling briskly throughout the year.The constant guessing game with the Silver Eagle Uncirculated has frustrated many collectors. With sales in two different options continuing to drive mintages and distribution, this year coin probably will not experience the significant secondary market price increase seen for last year coin.While the guessing game with the Mint has potentially created opportunities via the Burnished Gold Eagles, it has also created a roller coaster ride for the Silver Eagle Uncirculated. When the sales are officially closed out for these offerings, it will be interesting to see where mintages and secondary market prices end up designer_replica Gucci YA107503 watch.